We suffer more in our imagination than in reality - Seneca

Came across with this beautiful lines written by Seneca 

This deep quote forces to introspect ourselves on how much we overthink about a certain aspects of our experiences.

Most of us would have heard this that we learn from our experiences, but have we ever thought that how much these experiences have lead our imaginations to go far that at a point we become slaves of our own thoughts and imaginations. 

Many a times we think so loud on the outcome, that we forgot that there is also a possibility that the outcome would not be as bad (or good) than we would expect. 

Suffering is inevitable. But, it's in your hand to deal it in the best possible way. 

At the end, it's your imagination that will decide the outcome of your suffering. Most of the times, one will end up suffering more in his/her imagination and in reality may it was not that big deal.  


  1. Completely agree!
    By dwelling on negative thoughts we only self sabotage our growth. Sometimes we just need to observe how insignificant and how worthless such thoughts are to actually disturb our peace of mind.

  2. Truly Apt n very well written.

  3. So true our mind is our master and some times we do over think or over react in some situations which will not be the case actually to do it

  4. So true, some times the worst place you can be is in ur own head, overthinking can some times mentally break you down and makes everything worse than it actually is.

  5. Suffering is inevitable. But, it's in your hand to deal with it in the best possible way. - most powerful and truthful line. Life will keep throwing curve balls at us. At the end it depends on how we choose to leave the game - with our heads held high or dragging dead weight over our shoulders

  6. What a beautiful topic to begin with !!

    "We are slaves of our own thoughts and imagination" - every word here is so true .. we limit ourselves in our own minds and presume things that possibly don't even exist ..

    Keep it up Karan !!
    Waiting for the next write up already ..

  7. Bang on! this is indeed true. I could link it to my imaginations on regular basis.

  8. So very true, Sometimes we just become super imaginative about situations in our future, It’s just taking one step at a time, focusing on present and to just go with the flow of the situations we really can’t control.
    Awaiting for more such thoughtful blogs 😊

  9. Well Written 😊 Keep it going... Looking forward to new blogs 👍🏼

  10. Good one.

    Also there are times when things arent expected to go our way and in such scenarios we end up worrying twice. Firstly before it happens (Imagination) and later when it does (Reality). We can't do much about Reality, but Imagination can be tempered

  11. Well written. Yes. The Human Mind is a very mercurial organ. It's an art to to be able to control it. Sometimes, imagination can run wild ... and sometimes the mind can drive us to a low that affects us adversely. The art is to strike a balance between the two and achieve a state of equilibrium. Only then can we avoid becoming a slave of our mind; and perhaps, master it.

  12. Very well written Karan. I beleive we need to learn to control our thoughts which I know is easy said than done.

  13. Very practically thought and well written

  14. Very thoughtful Karan . Looking forward for such interesting topics in your upcoming blogs 😊 All the best

  15. Never thought about it until I read this. So very true.

  16. As the saying goes, Our mind is the most powerful tool, and its always within us to give power to "negative thoughts", I second the lines about "suffering" that mostly happens within our thought processes and not the actual reality, its worth training our minds to deal with certain emotions! (negating our beloved friends with mental health issues in this context)


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